Hmm... today for some reasons i feel kind of happy leh. Hah! maybe because during FA it was super funny lor. Haha! I feel so bad. Hah! but I still had fun and I feel 满足,满足,满足。Haha! Haiz... I think I was super bad! Hmm... maybe fa still brings some joy. Hah!
Haiz...tomorrow don't need to do FA duty liao. Haiz... so angry lor, rush the proposal for nothing, 真是的,气死人早知道就不要做,真是浪费我的宝贵时间。Haiz... but I'm still happy that I can slack the whole day. Haha I think it's counted as 不辛中的大辛。
Haiz... I'm going to fail prelims lor. Haiz... I feel the stress but still slacking everyday. Haiz... sooner or later I will just die. 只有三个字,死,死,死。Haha! I still can draw during lessons. Haiz... lessons are not suppose to be boring, especially when it's like going to be Mid-years. Haiz... but my drawings are very nice and "REAL" haha!
(Mr Lor Mia Kia, Mr F, Miss Mushroom, some GUY, Mrs clown)Haha! so pretty right. Haiz... relieve stress la. Haha!