Today is the last day of Chinese new more hong bao....and I realise that we don't have to eat tang yuan! I wonder who's the one who told me that we must eat tang yuan! I went to my auntie's house to eat lunch (end up not eating, cause I ate a lot in the morning). Anyway, I ended up joining the aunties talk...and I became one of them....Haha!
Since I was already in tp, I decided to go back to ij (I think mushuang miss me like siao , she kept asking whether I was going back).
Hehe! I was useless like usual, so we ended up taking photos...again!!! Oh ya I got to see the talentime auditions. And I found out a secret...不能说的秘密. Haiz... I think I must start singing the 暧昧 song again.
Haiz...kind of bored, cause I got nothing to do, so poor thing right!!! I sort of persuaded my father that I don't want to work, so yupps, I don't think I'm going to work liao, I'm just going to rot....发霉,腐烂,臭酸。HAHA!
Pretty pictures....
Lava, me , mushuang, priya
Me, mushuang, teresa, lava

Lava (trying to be some ca)

Group photo!
Do you see a paper bag??? Mushuang found it in xiu li's journal, and it's for stephanie, so 贴心 right...some people would know what I'm talking about....
BYE!BYE! I'm going to continue to rot...